APP Student Collaborative Group

Engaging students is integral to INKC. INKC is collaborating with NUSU on the development of a new APP Student Collaborative Group to contribute to the Access and Participation Plan for our 2024 submission.

Meet our students on our introductory blog post!

The group was developed in October 2023 with endorsement from the staff APP Working Group, as a partnership project between the University and the Students’ Union. The goal was to involve students from a range of backgrounds in the APP development process more meaningfully than through isolated consultation discussions, and for this group of students to be active partners in the design of the Plan.  

The APP Student Collaborative Group (SCG) has been chaired by the Students’ Union Education Officer, with significant organisational support from University colleagues. There was further Sabbatical Officer representation, with the Students’ Union Welfare and Equality Officer also joining the group membership.

Group membership includes 6 students from a pool of existing student representatives and 4 from the wider student body. All selected students demonstrated impressive knowledge, interest, and enthusiasm for the role. The diversity of the candidates was considered when forming the group to ensure a range of students from underrepresented backgrounds as well as broad representation across faculties and schools. Different stages of study, Home, EU and International experiences, ethnicities, genders, disability status, socioeconomic background and other identities are well-represented through the membership of the Group, and important intersectional insights are key to the process.  

The group will be involved throughout the APP drafting process, providing insights, comments and contributing to the gathering of wider student consultation. 4 team meetings will be facilitated between October 2023 and March 2024, with opportunities to participate in further meetings and discussions for interested students. The hope is that the group will pave the way for sustained student collaboration throughout the lifecycle of the new APP and beyond.