About Us

The Inclusive Newcastle Knowledge Centre (INKC) exists to embed inclusivity for our students in everything we do. It is based on the Core Values of the University and firmly supports the concept of ‘no excellence without equity’. Established in 2019, it takes a collaborative approach to Inclusive Education, generating and building on insights from students, staff and partners. The INKC has four guiding priorities: 

  • lead the complex evaluation of our APP actions and their impact, using a Theory of Change approach 
  • provide evaluation training to teams of University colleagues to increase evaluation expertise 
  • support a team of academic researchers to undertake evaluation and research into social mobility and inclusive education 
  • nurture student researchers to gain experience and expertise and to consider an academic career 

Meet the Team

You can find out more about the team, their background and current research projects at the INKC Meet The Team webpage.

Professor Alison Shaw
– Inclusive Newcastle Knowledge Centre Lead
– Professor of Practice for Inclusive Education
– Lead of the Access and Participation Plan

Professor Liz Todd
– Professor of Educational Inclusion
– Director of Newcastle University Institute for Social Science

Karen Laing
– Senior Research Associate (ECLS)
– Co-Director of Centre for Learning and Teaching

Dr Amina Razak
– Inclusive Newcastle Research Associate

Charlotte Boulton
– Inclusive Newcastle Research, Evaluation & Policy Officer