Communication is Key
I recently had a seminar on communication and how important it is to be a good communicator in the work place. I of course agree that the work place is where you would want every communication to be excellent, especially with your boss. However I also think it’s important to think about how you communicate with people every day. For instance, I have been having lectures about signals and how important they are in the animal world. So basically a signal is something that one animal gives and another one receives and it tells both of them animals that they should produce a behaviour. So you can imagine in the human world; a baby is hungry, so it cries and the parent will come and feed the baby. That is a form of a signal, because it communicates some message to the receiver (the parent) from the signaller (baby).
So now think about the different signals you will give off every day. Some of them you might not be aware of, but either way they will normally be someone who is receiving your signal. Hence, based on this I think it is important to think about how you communicate with people. You may walk past someone you have never met before and smile at them, and it turns out next year they are your lecturer or a demonstrator. The little communication you had can then make them form an impression of you, a good impression I assume. Think about the different people you will communicate with in a day, your friends, your family, lecturers, maybe someone who works in a shop. It is normal to change the way you talk to people depending on who they are, but it’s always important to consider your audience.
So this may be a lot of rambling on but what I am trying to say is, be aware of how you communicate yourself to other people. Well, because you never know who the person who you are talking to could turn out to be.