Setting Up

After recovering from our long day on the road yesterday, James and Andy began by collecting some tools from our friends over at SSARG. Meanwhile Hayley, Chris and James H were tasked with organising the camp.

Later in the day the team recced the site. Whilst the trench was being marked out some of us performed a brief ‘fieldwalk’: we found several interesting sherds of pottery; including a New Forest Colour Coated beaker fragment dating between A.D. 270 – 400+.


Upon our arrival back at camp, a neighbour brought over a Roman hypocaust flu tile, which he had found in a wall on his property – an image of which can be seen below. This might have come from the villa or another high status Roman building nearby.


Tomorrow’s task is to begin machining back the top-soil and set up our tent on site.

But for now we’ve decided to make the most of the sunny weather and have a BBQ!

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