Day 24 – Christmas Eve – Southern Ocean

I thought I would just escape the festivities to cool down (a lot of bodies in a small space) and wish you all a very merry Christmas. It has not been as strange celebrating as one might think. Christmas eve started with a film showing of the Nightmare Before Christmas at 18:30. We managed to pack more than 18 people into the video room for that. I did what I do every Christmas on returning to the parental home….nick a cushion and sprawl on the floor. Most of the ships off watch company then met in the lounge at 20:00 for a cup of mulled wine courtesy of the purser. We all warbled to a few rounds of carols with a surprisingly high uptake on the singing front. Then again when you tend to see people at their worst just after they have got up there is very little dignity left to loose so perhaps it should not be so much of a surprise.

It has been a pleasant run up to Christmas for me. We get to skip the commercial spirit of Christmas as it is rammed down our throat through TV, radio, and our peers. There is no reception out here and it is a select company. We have missed or completed the present buying hassle a long time leaving as we did at the end of November and we cannot go rushing hither and thither to commute to one in-law or the next this Christmas eve. The sprouts and potatos are peeled and excepting the poor galley staff, most of us have little concern about organizing the food.

It has therefore given us the time to enjoy the social elements to Christmas. An evening in the lounge chatting with the friends we have on board, listening to Christmas music of our choosing (that has not yet worn thin) playing in the background and having a drink or two. No alcohol induced squabble for us…the bar is not that well stocked and if you haven’t learned to co-exist and play nicely in the close confines of a ship by now your in trouble. We have decorated the ship and then redecorated the ship after the bad weather turned good. We are in transit so no science. It has all come together. The only thing missing is family. So here we are thinking of you all.

So that just leaves placing my reindeer dust down to guide the landing, my night watch duties to check the Santa hatch is clear and no one has got stuck in it and being in bed before midnight…a hard task for the night watch.

My love and Christmas wishes to you all


One thought on “Day 24 – Christmas Eve – Southern Ocean

  1. Chris, Will,
    Susan here in the warm, sunny pacific…Merry christmas chaps. We are having a few drilling problems in the 5000m down Hess Deep, camera and pinger batteries going flat , lower sections of the drill string disappearing forever, other parts coming up strangely bent….but we have a new plan and I am sure all will turn out well.

    However, Christmas day was lots of fun, amazing food (2 whole suckling pigs roasted outside), a talent show and caroling singing followed by present giving with a special guest appearance by FC.

    Take care, love, Susan xx

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