
  1. One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants. Nature 574 (7780), 679.
  2. Hermida-Carrera C, Fares MA, Fernández Á, Gil-Pelegrín E, Kapralov MV, Mir A, Molins A, Peguero-Pina J, Rocha J, Sancho-Knapik D & Galmés J (2017) Positively selected amino acid replacements within the RuBisCO enzyme of oak trees are associated with ecological adaptations. PLoS One. 12:8.
  3. Sharwood RE, Ghannoum O, Kapralov MV, Gunn LH, Whitney SM (2016) Temperature responses of Rubisco from Paniceae grasses provide opportunities for improving C3 photosynthesis. Nature Plants. 2:16186. Featured in editorial by RF Sage ‘Photosynthesis: Mining grasses for a better Rubisco’.
  4. Orr D, Alcântara A, Kapralov MV, Andralojc J, Carmo-Silva E, Parry MAJ (2016). Surveying Rubisco diversity and temperature response to improve crop photosynthetic efficiency. Plant Phys. 172:707-17. Included in the Top Topics from 2016
  5. Hermida-Carrera C, Kapralov MV, Galmés J (2016). Rubisco catalytic properties and temperature response in crops. Plant Phys. 171:2549-61.
  6. Whitney SM, Birch R, Kelso C, Beck JL, Kapralov MV (2015). Improving recombinant Rubisco biogenesis, plant photosynthesis and growth by coexpressing its ancillary RAF1 chaperone. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112:3564-69.
  7. Rosnow JJ, Evans MA, Kapralov MV, Cousins AB, Edwards GE, Roalson EH (2015). Kranz and single-cell forms of C4 plants in the subfamily Suaedoideae show kinetic C4 convergence for PEPC and Rubisco with divergent amino acid substitutions. J. Exp. Bot. 66:7347-58.
  8. Galmés J, Kapralov MV, Copolovici LO, Hermida C, Niinemets Ü (2015). Temperature responses of the Rubisco maximum carboxylase activity across domains of life: phylogenetic signals, trade-offs, and importance for carbon gain. Photosynthesis research 123:183-201.
  9. Galmés J, Kapralov MV, Andralojc PJ, Conesa MÀ, Keys AJ, Parry MAJ, Flexas J (2014) Expanding knowledge of the Rubisco kinetics variability in plant species: environmental and evolutionary trends. Plant, Cell & Environment 37:1989-2001. Featured in editorial by RE Sharwood & SM Whitney ‘Correlating Rubisco catalytic and sequence diversity within C3 plants with changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations’.
  10. Grant-Downton RT, Terhem RB, Kapralov MV, Mehdi S, Rodriguez-Enriquez MJ, Gurr SJ, van Kan JAL, Dewey FM (2014) A novel Botrytis species is associated with a newly emergent foliar disease in cultivated Hemerocallis. PLoS ONE 9(6): e89272.
  11. Galmés J, Andralojc PJ, Kapralov MV, Flexas J, Keys AJ, Molins A, Parry MAJ, Conesa MÀ (2014) Environmentally driven evolution of Rubisco and improved photosynthesis and growth within the C3 genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae). New Phytologist 203:989-99.
  12. Kapralov MV, Votintseva AA, Filatov DA (2013) Molecular adaptation during a rapid adaptive radiation. Mol. Biol. Evol. 30(5):1051-59.
  13. Kapralov MV, Smith JAC, Filatov DA (2012) Rubisco evolution in C4 eudicots: an analysis of Amaranthaceae sensu lato. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52974.
  14. Young JN, Rickaby REM, Kapralov MV, Filatov DA (2012) Adaptive signals in algal Rubisco reveal a history of ancient atmospheric CO2. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B: Biol. Sci. 367:483-92.
  15. Kapralov MV, Kubien DS, Andersson I, Filatov DA (2011) Changes in Rubisco kinetics during the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in Flaveria (Asteraceae) are associated with positive selection on genes encoding the enzyme. Mol. Biol. Evol. 28:1491-503.
  16. Wang M, Kapralov MV, Anisimova M (2011) Coevolution of amino acid residues in the key photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:266.
  17. Kapralov MV, Filatov DA (2011) Does large genome size limit speciation in endemic island floras? J. Bot. Article ID 458684. doi:10.1155/2011/458684.
  18. Dixon CJ, Kapralov MV, Filatov DA (2011) Gene flow and species cohesion following the spread of Schiedea globosa (Caryophyllaceae) across the Hawaiian Islands. J. Evol. Biol. 24:1-11.
  19. Gossmann TI, Song B-H, Windsor AJ, Mitchell-Olds T, Dixon CJ, Kapralov MV, Filatov DA, Eyre-Walker A (2010) Genome wide analyses reveal little evidence for adaptive evolution in many plant species. Mol. Biol. Evol. 27:1822-32.
  20. Kapralov MV, Stift M, Filatov DA (2009) Evolution of genome size in Hawaiian endemic genus Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae). Tropical Plant Biology 2:77-83.
  21. Kapralov MV, Filatov DA (2007) Widespread positive selection in the photosynthetic Rubisco enzyme. BMC Evol. Biol. 7:73.
  22. Kapralov MV, Filatov DA (2006) Molecular adaptation during adaptive radiation in the Hawaiian endemic genus Schiedea. PLoS ONE 1:e8.
  23. Kapralov MV, Akhani H, Voznesenskaya EV, Edwards G, Franceschi V, Roalson EH (2006) Phylogenetic relationships in the Salicornioideae/Suaedoideae/Salsoloideae s.l. (Chenopodiaceae) clade and a clarification of the phylogenetic position of Bienertia and Alexandra using multiple DNA sequence datasets. Syst. Bot. 31:571-85.
  24. Kapralov MV, Gabrielsen TM, Sarapultsev IE, Brochmann C (2006) Genetic enrichment of the arctic clonal plant Saxifraga cernua at its southern periphery via the alpine sexual Saxifraga sibirica. Mol. Ecol. 15:3401-11.
  25. Kapralov MV (2004) Genotypic variation in populations of the clonal plant Saxifraga cernua in the central and peripheral regions of the species range. Rus. J. Ecol. 35:413-6.