Judy Peacock and IL at QUT

Judy and the QUT “cat”alogue

Yesterday I spent a fascinating day with Judy Peacock, the IL Coordinator here at QUT. I’ll be adding a photo of her as soon as I can download the next bunch, so keep checking back on the blog. I’ll also be writing a more detailed report on our discussion for my colleagues at Newcastle as there are lots of ideas we can learn from.
The IL programme at QUT has 3 levels. Level 1 is a generic support level which students can access if they feel they need it, Level 2 involves cooperation between library and academic staff and Level 3 is embedded into the curriculum.
I was very interested in the work Judy and the Liaison Librarians are doing with Key Performance Indicators for IL as it involves a detailed analysis of the approach, intentions and content of individual units (modules), looking at opportunities for embedding IL into them.
The work on staff development for teaching is also something which I hope to follow up. Some of it is based on Edulib, so relates to the Liblearn work Christine Purcell and I did a few years ago, but there are other elements about peer learning and curriculum design which would be new for us.
Schools outreach is another area on which I have gathered useful info and which I hope will inform the outcomes of my project


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