Murdoch University Library

I had a great time this afternoon at Murdoch University Library, where I met several staff, including the University Librarian Margaret Jones and the IL coordinator Merrilee Albatis. The photo shows Merilee by one of the art exhibits.

Murdoch is a small university, with about 9000 FTE students, but they are doing some very interesting work in IL. I particularly liked their LITE programme, which is a WebCT based programme followed by about 90% of their foundation students as a compulsory assessed unit. This is an excellent way of ensuring that students have basic library skills right from the start.
Jenny, the Science Liaison Librarian also explained to me how all liaison staff have a space in their respective schools and spend time there on a weekly basis, maintaining a high level of contact with staff. I’d like to explore how we could do more of this at Newcastle.
Last but not least, Murdoch has a lovely cafe, situated in a courtyard in the middle of the library (this is for Jill!)

The cafe

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