Blog tagged – 5 things about me

As a relatively new blogger, I hadn’t come across blog tagging until Sheila Webber tagged me yesterday. The idea is like a chain letter really, you have to post on your blog 5 things people might not know about you and then ask 5 other bloggers to do the same.
So here goes:
1. I’ve just started to learn to play the electric guitar – my mid life crisis I guess. Maybe I’ll add a picture to the blog later of me “jamming” in my cardigan.
2. Leading on from no 1, I’m a big Mark Knopfler fan (though have realised that my version of Jingle Bells isn’t quite up to Local Hero), but my kids are also keeping me a little more up to date, so after seeing Cold Play last year, I’m off to see Joanna Newsom (tomorrow), Keane and Damien Rice in the next few months.
3. I name my cats after apples – though if you’ve been reading the blog you’ll already have met Bramley and Pippin.
4. My Dad was Bobby Robson’s football teacher, so we’ve watched a few matches at Newcastle from Bobby’s personal box and I think I’ve almost figured out the rules now.
5. I used to live in America and am hoping to go back there this year for the first time in 25 years.

Now I have to choose more bloggers and the lucky winners are :
Angela Newton – another info lit person
Gareth Johnson serves you right for telling me about the goose thing Gareth!
Some friends from Newcastle:
John Williams
Catherine MacDonald – catherine helped me to get started with blogging and designed the sunflower “skin” which I’m using.

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