Netskills and i-skills

On Friday I participated in a Netskills event – a user testing day to help develop a self evaluation tool for their JISC funded i-skills project. The JISC i-skills project is about information skills in employment, focusing on administrators and managers. Helen Conroy at Netskills has done some great work in developing a paper based self evaluation tool, which is going to be turned into a freely available(I think) online tool. The testing day brought together staff developers, admin staff, library staff and IT staff, discussing how we thought the tool should be structured and how it might be used. It was fascinating to hear different views on IL and to discuss how aspects of IL might be integrated into general staff development programmes. For example, where does IL fit in a session on team building or time management? Should it be explicit or implicit?
I hope I’ll have a pic of me at the event here shortly, but meanwhile here is a waterfall at Milford Sound, NZ.

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