Cold Cotes Farm

” I can only see from where I’m standing the cause and effect on the people around me”. This quote from “Just my thoughts”, by Ed Loft reminded me of my Wandering Minds exercise in which I’m trying to capture some of the impact my NTF is having on the people I meet. It’s providing me with some fascinating insights into what people take away from our encounters, often totally unrelated to the main subject of the meeting. I’d be delighted to hear from you if you’ve read anything on this blog which you’ve found interesting, as this will add to my pool of information.
Anyway, back to Ed, who as well as being the author of the above mentioned little poetry book, is also the owner of the Cold Cotes B&B (and events centre) near Harrogate in Yorkshire. Having just spent a very comfortable night there, I can thoroughly recommend it! We were greeted with a tray of tea and home made cakes and things just improved from there!

Cold Cotes Garden

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