Info Lit Toolkit

I’ve just spent a couple of days tidying up our Information Literacy web pages and Toolkit, so I thought I’d give it a mention in case anyone is interested. The Toolkit contains a range of resources, ideas and links which academic and library staff can use to help students become more information literate. They can use materials just as they are or tailor them to their own teaching style and their students’ learning needs.
Over the next month we’ll be adding a lot more resources to the toolkit, as well as some models of how it has / can be used to develop IL in the curriculum.
The Toolkit is structured around the Sconul 7 pillars model, so that it’s possible to design a programme to meet a series of standards and criteria (not as complicated as it first appears!)

Roppongi area in Tokyo (Louise’s pic again)…nfolit/toolkit/

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