TEI Crete Library

I have spent the last few days visiting TEI Crete, looking at resources and facilities which would support a proposed collaborative venture between TEI Crete and Newcastle University. Consequently, my pictures for the next week or two will feature Crete quite a lot!
The Library at the TEI is small by UK university standards, with only 6 professional staff and a limited print bookstock. They do however, have reasonably good access to ebooks and ejournals via Heal Link, the Hellenic Academic Libraries Consortium.
Not surprisingly, given their limited staffing, the Library is not open at weekends, a pity, as it’s one of the main places on campus where students can use open access computers.

Prof Ella Ritchie (PVC L&T, Newcastle) and Professor Carlo Leifert (Newcastle) in the TEI Library [note the very neat bookshelves – english and greek textbooks shelved together]

Maria Vrachliotou, one of the librarians at TEI


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