New Directions for Teaching and Learning

New Directions for Teaching and Learning v114, 2008 is a themed issue around Information Literacy. It’s great to see a mainstream T&L journal according the issue this degree of importance, the editorial includes comments such as ” information literacy can be viewed as a call to another approach to content and teaching practice”, “there needs to be a shift towards learning how to be information literate – learning how to question, understanding how to evaluate… other words, turning information into knowledge”
Articles include:
Reforming the undergraduate experience
Librarians as agents of change: Working with curriculum committees using change agency theory
Global educational goals, technology, and information literacy in higher education
Information literacy and its relationship to cognitive development and reflective judgment
Information literacy and first-year students
Effective librarian and discipline faculty collaboration models for integrating information literacy into the fabric of an academic institution
Dynamic purposeful learning in information literacy
College student engagement surveys: Implications for information literacy.

Kingston University Library new extension (photo from Pippa Jones from Leeds)


One thought on “New Directions for Teaching and Learning

  1. Thanks for this link Moira.
    I found the article on IL and first year students very interesting.
    Nice to see the blog is back from it’s holidays.


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