Integrating Info Lit as a habit of learning: assessing the impact of a golden thread in the curriculum

As usual, the LILAC conference this year was excellent and I have come back to work brimming over with new ideas, as well as a large amount of envy for what other people are achieving! I’ll be posting a few comments about sessions I attended over the next few days, but thought I’d start with my own. Liz Stockdale, who is a lecturer in Environmental Science here at Newcastle, and I gave a talk about the work Liz has been doing to weave a golden thread of IL through the 3 years of her programme. We have designed a variety of IL interventions and strategies, as well as some techniques for assessing the impact of the interventions on the quality of the students’ work. We ran out of handouts as more people attended than I had expected, so I promised to add a link to our slides from the blog – here they are:

We’ve also written the work up as an article and submitted it to the Journal of Information Literacy – a pre refereed version is available on our institutional repository.

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