USTLG meeting

I enjoyed the latest meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group last Tuesday. The Royal Society of Chemistry hosted our meeting at Burlington House in London – lovely venue and a great lunch!
Other folks have already blogged about it fairly comprehensively, so I’m not going to repeat their posts.
You can read Gareth’s blog here
And Lex’s blog here.

The theme of the meeting was “new technologies” but there were some other common threads which came through all the talks. One key issue related to us going to where the users are and also ensuring that we remember the learner experience is at the heart of what we do. Jon mentioned this when he was talking about his presence in the VLE at Nottingham Trent and Mark when describing MyLibrary at Newcastle.
Skills also came out for me as an issue, both for library and academic staff. Linda and Paula described workshops in which they addressed Web 2.0 skills for academic staff – integrating new technologies into their teaching. Is this a good opportunity for library staff?
As usual Gareth made me feel so far out of date with his talk on blogging and microblogging, but he’s sent me lots of useful links which I’ll add in below.

Gareth’s Slides on SlideShare

Videos from Gareth (starring the famous Goose and weasel – can you believe Gareth even wore a weasel tie on tuesday!)
Contrasting Blogs, Twitter & Library News Pages

Explaining Twitter

Kangaroos on the golf course, Port Kennedy, WA…ing10/index.htm

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