Information for Learning workshop for academic staff

I’m looking forward to a workshop my colleague Julia and I are facilitating next week. It’s called Information for Learning and is based in part on some work I did in Cardiff last year and with some visiting Nigerian lecturers here in Newcastle earlier this year. The idea behind it is to encourage academic staff to think about how and where IL fits into their teaching. Julia, another colleague, Jenny, and I are working on a small project to create an online resource for our staff and students based in Singapore, so the workshop will enable us to test what we’ve already created and draw on the experiences of teaching staff who are already working with international partners. The workshop is just for staff here at Newcastle, but I thought readers of the blog might be interested in what we’re doing, so details are below. If there is anyone else who is doing something similar, we’d be delighted to swap experiences with you.
“Information for Learning

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