UWA visit

I had a very enjoyable visit to UWA on friday and have come away with lots of useful information and ideas, which I’ll be blogging about over the next few weeks. We spent some time talking about different ways to develop and sustain IL activities and the roles of library and academic staff. One suggestion which chimed with me was around giving feedback to students by talking about the IL demonstrated in a specific assignment at the start of a subject lecture. This was very well received by the students as it was pertinent to their work and was fairly easy for the library staff to do as they could give general feedback which was appropriate and perceived by the students to be very specific. I actually went to a staff student committee here in newcastle recently at which the students actually gave a similar example of good feedback which was along these lines, so this is definitely something I want to think about some more.

Banksias coming into flower near the Pinnacles, WA.

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