Info Lit meets Library 2.0 : Flickr and YouTube

Facet kindly sent me a review copy of Peter and Jo’s book, so I thought I’d post on the individual chapters as I read them (in no particular order):

Ch 11: Sparking Flickrs of insight into controlled vocabularies and subject searching.
Cameron Hoffman and Sarah Polkinghorne.
This fascinating chapter explains how the authors have been using tagging in Flickr to help students learn about controlled vocabulary. The students are asked to tag a set of photos – campus landmarks and local scenes and then compare their tags and discuss the differences between subject and keyword searching.

Ch 12: Joining the YouTube conversation to teach information literacy. Susan Ariew.
Susan describes how the University of Florida created a pilot video on YouTube to teach information literacy. They used a student volunteer and hit some copyright issues with linking to it from the library website. However, they have since gone on to produce over 100 podcasts as well as having a sponsored video contest, which I think is a great way to get students learning about the library.

Arthur’s Circus in Hobart (thank to Louise again)…&Category_Code=

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