Newcastle Info Lit Toolkit Launch

Today saw the official launch of the Newcastle Info Lit toolkit. The toolkit contains a variety of resources, suggestions and guidance for academic, library and educational development staff to use in order to integrate information literacy into the curriculum. Based on the SCONUL 7 pillars model, the toolkit allows staff to select basic, intermediate or advanced level activities, which may be online tutorials, Blackboard quizzes, lecture notes and slides, worksheets, discussion documents etc. There is information on meeting specific skills outcomes on module outline forms as well as how to design a whole programme with embedded information literacy.
The next stage in our project will be to evaluate the impact of the toolkit, as well as continuing to develop and add to it. We’ll be looking at attribution statements and a rating system too.
I took my camera along to the launch but was far too busy talking to manage to take any photos!
Here are some flowers from Christchurch Botanic Gardens instead!

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