Giving researchers what (we think) they want [Dublin seminar]

Andrew Booth used some statistics from the RIN survey in the first talk of the day to challange us to think about what researchers really want from libraries – is it really an invisible library? I liked his use of the term “information wise” rather than information literate. Andrew also talked about satisficing, a concept we raised in our NRIN paper which is due to be published soon, the idea of a satisfied but inept user. Does this describe a lot of our researchers?

The Dublin Spike (Spire) – described to us by taxi and bus drivers as “the pole in the hole”

One thought on “Giving researchers what (we think) they want [Dublin seminar]

  1. Comment from Sheila Webber
    By taking a satisficing approach people aren’t necessarily inept, they may actually be very ept at knowing what is “good enough” for a particular situation.

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