LILAC 2008: Researchers’ learning lives

Jo Webb and I ran a symposium on the last morning of LILAC (and were delighted to have over 50 people there even though it was the morning after the wonderful conference dinner in Liverpool Town Hall – where I found portraits of Sir John and Lady Bent – possible ancestors?)
We have used some of the data from our book on support for research to develop a model called the 7 ages of research and we wanted to explore with participants whether our model was relevant to their own situation and whether it is a useful model to help us develop information literacy for researchers. I promised that I would summarise the flipcharts from the symposium on the blog, so that’s what I’ll do for the next couple of entries.

The LWW gang at the LILAC dinner: Bob, Nancy, me, Gwyneth, Jane (Thanks to Jane for the photo)

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