SCONUL Briefing Paper on Library Services to International Students

Judging by the feedback I’ve had from earlier posts, there are quite a few people who are waiting for these Guidelines to be published and here they are at last! The task group with which I have been working was very pleased to be asked to do this research and we do hope that people find the Guidelines helpful. They are based on a survey of libraries and library websites both in the UK and elsewhere, as well as a review of the literature. The body of the report summarises some of the issues and challenges libraries face when trying to provide equitable services, drawing on case studies to illustrate particular points and highlighting key concepts throughout the text. The appendices contain lists of examples of good practice on library websites, key concepts, “special touches”, lists of glossaries, writing skills ideas, suggestions for staff training, job descriptions and more!
Karen Senior and I will be doing a presenation and workshop based on this work at the SCONUL Access meeting in June too.
If you do look at the report, please do email me and give me some feedback.

The Venetian Fort, Heraklion (view from my hotel window)…al_students.pdf

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