Information Literacy: making a difference?

Yesterday we held our IL event at Newcastle. It was launched by Prof Ella Ritchie, the PVC for Teaching and Learning, who stressed the importance of IL in the curriculum. Christine Bruce then ran a workshop in which participants worked with her six frames for IL education theory to identify their preferred frames. Although not an easy thing to do, it certainly generated a lot of discussion and made people think about what they do differently.
After lunch, Sophie Brettell from QuILT explained what we are doing with our IL Toolkit and Liz Stockdale described how she has a “golden thread” of IL running through the Environmental Science curriculum. The day culminated in an inspiring talk on assessment given by Sally Brown, PVC for Assessment, Learning and Teaching at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Feedback on the day has been excellent, for which I am much relieved!
We will be adding copies of the presentations and other documentation to the website as soon as we can.

Here is a pic of some daffodils until I can get an official shot of the speakers from the photographer…it/infolit.html

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