What draws you to the Neurodiversity Think Tank session?

We asked people to register for the session and here are some of their reasons for attending:

I have a neurodivergent son.

I think this is a little different than neurodiversity, but I am interested in the implications of grief and depression in marketing

I was diagnosed later in life and ever since, I’ve been thinking/noticing/recognizing how neurodiverse behavior is often omitted from research consideration that almost exclusively focuses on mean outcomes.

So interested in how the brain works. Currently researching how the same mental processing humans use to “get” a joke is also used for problem solving.

My dissertation focuses on disability!

Meeting likeminded and new individuals and learning and improving my knowledge in this space as I work on the UNH NDTFC taskforce.

Interested in issues related to the brain and also interested in inclusivity

Research mental health

Interest in alternative views of individuals that act in the market.

My research is about respect.

My husband is a pediatric occupational therapist so we talk a lot about autism amongst children in our home.

Increasing my understanding of how to create a more inclusive environment in the classroom and online