Scanning electron micrograph of dental plaque showing different members of the oral microbiome
I am really excited to be co-editing the next special issue of the Journal of Dental Research on the Oral Microbiome. We are seeking papers on the structure, function and diversity of the oral microbiome for publication in Spring 2020. More information is available at: https://www.iadr.org/JDR-Special-Issue-Oral-Microbiome
Special issues are a great way to increase the visibility of your research. By putting together a number of articles on a related topic, the issue will draw a wide range of readers who are broadly interested in the topic. It is also a fantastic way for us to promote a topic that continues to grow in importance as the techniques and analysis methods keep on improving.
This is a timely topic as the second phase of the Human Microbiome Project, the ‘integrative HMP‘, has just completed and papers are coming out. The challenge now for microbiome researchers is to translate the scientific understanding into clinical advances that will make a real difference to patients. We hope the special issue in JDR will keep up the momentum towards this worthy goal.