Obituary: Alan Sergison

The Newcastle University North Leadership Centre is sad to announce the death of Alan Sergison. Prior to his appointment as Education Inspector for the Gateshead local authority from 2000 to 2010, Alan dedicated his professional life to primary education and was the headteacher of a large inner city primary school for 15 years. He worked as Advisory headteacher and after his retirement set up his own educational consultancy business.

During his headship, he trained as a facilitator for the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 1998 and was actively involved inshaping the various iterations of the National Professional Qualifications over the last two decades. His wealth of experience as headteacher, School Improvement Partner, Ofsted Inspector and in supporting schools in difficult circumstances as well as his dedication to pass on his knowledge and skills led to his involvement in a number of international school leadership programmes through the Newcastle University North Leadership Centre, including leadership development programmes for educational leaders from Kazakhstan and Vietnam.

Alan’s personable nature encouraged delegates to open up and reflect critically on their own situation. Through skilled questioning and stories from his own experience, he skilfully helped generations of educational leaders to come up with their own solutions.

His contribution to the Centre will be greatly missed by all of us.
At this sad time our thoughts are with his wife, family and the many people his inspirational nature has touched in the course of his personal and professional life.

2 thoughts on “Obituary: Alan Sergison”

  1. Such sad news. Alan was a wonderfully generous person and such a joy to work with. His great humour and positivism enabled him and those he worked with to be both inspired and to learn. It was a privilege to work with him at Gateshead LA and as a facilitator with NETSP.

  2. One of the nicest men that I ever met, who has supported countless numbers of people both in education and beyond.
    Jennie McVicar

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