#VizTIG Symposium 5 Sept 2024 – Call for lightning talks and posters

Dear All,

We are excited to announce that we are making great progress with the annual #VizTIG Symposium scheduled on the 5th of September in the Catalyst, Newcastle.

This will be an all-day event, comprising of a keynote, talks, and social activities, where we aim to provide opportunities for visualization researchers and practitioners to share and discuss their latest work and maximise networks across the UK VIS community. We anticipate a mixed audience, including visualization researchers, as well as interested students and industry collaborators.

We strongly encourage in-person attendance but for those who can’t attend, the talks will be live streamed.

We are reaching out to call for submissions of short presentations or posters on your recent research or upcoming research problems in visualization. Each presenter will have at least 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions.

Please submit using the following form before the 19th of August: https://forms.gle/XBuLsgfQhTJARFN49

We will share the Eventbrite signup link for the symposium very shorty and provide more details about the keynote speaker, venue and streaming details.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Newcastle!


Symposium Organisers,
Daniel Archambault, Newcastle University
Sara Fernstad, Newcastle University
Alma Cantu, Newcastle University
Xinhuan Shu, Newcastle University

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