Congratulations to Hanin Alzahrani on successfully defending her PhD “Improving the usability of complex biological networks through interestingness measures and interactive visualization”! Hanin was supervised by Sara Johansson Fernstad and Anil Wipat. Examiners were Alfie Abdul Rahman (King’s College London) and Harold Fellermann (Newcastle University).
Author: nsf75
Welcome Xinhuan!
We are very happy to welcome Xinhuan Shu to the NoVA team. Xinhuan has joined the School of Computing at Newcastle University as a lecturer. She most recently held a PostDoc position at the VisHub lab at University of Edinburgh.
Viva success: Osman Akbulut!
Congratulations to Osman Akbulut who successfully defended his PhD thesis “Novel methods for visualising graphs”! Osman was supervised by Nick Holliman (now King’s College London), Matthew Forshaw and Ton Xin. The viva was examined by Benjamin Bach (University of Edinburgh) and Sara Johansson Fernstad.