A big welcome to Professor Daniel Archambault who joined the School of Computing and the NoVA lab as Professor of Visualization in June 2023, having been a main member of the visualization team at Swansea University for several years.
Category: News
Welcome back Alexander!
A big welcome to Alexander Macquisten who has returned to Newcastle University as a Reserarch Associate in Data Science in the Fairwater project, after having successfully defended his PhD in 2022.
Publication successes!
Two recent publication successes for NoVA members!
- Alma Cantu, Maria Encarna Mićo-Amigo, Silvia Del Din, Sara Johansson Fernstad (2023) Parallel Assemblies Plot, a visualization tool to explore categorical and quantitative data: application to digital mobility outcomes. PacificVis conference.
- Ruddle, R. A., Cheshire, J., & Johansson Fernstad, S. (2023). Tasks and Visualizations Used for Data Profiling: A Survey and Interview Study. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Welcome Lama!
A big welcome to NoVA’s newest member Lama Alsmmahi, who started her PhD research on the 1 Nov 2022.
Nova web is live!
The NoVA web page is now live! People and project pages will be further updated shortly.