Role: Research Associate
Project: Fair Water
Alexander is a Research Associate in Data Science In the School of Computing. They are currently working on machine learning and data visualization solutions to disaggregate home water usage.
Alexander is a Research Associate on the FairWater Data Science project in the School of Computing, Newcastle University. Alexander started their PhD studies in the School of Computing, Newcastle University, in September 2017, in collaboration with Unilever R&D. They defended their thesis, titled ”Hierarchical Visualization of High Dimensional Data – Interactive Exploration of ’Omics Type Data”, in 2022. Prior to this, they were a Research Assistant at Derby University from 2016-2017, working on Computer Vision solutions for Sports Analysis and Training.
Alexanders’ main research interests are Data Visualization and HCI. Their PhD project looked into how to support the explorative analysis of high dimensional microbial data through the medium of Hierarchical visualization, supporting the user in finding interesting data subsets using their domain knowledge of the data. Currently, their main research focus is on the FairWater data science water project, exploring solutions using a combination of IoT, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization to disaggregate household water usage into individual fixtures, in order to help users better understand their water usage and provide guidance on how they might reduce their water consumption