Role: Research Software Engineer
Team: Research Software Engineering
Mike is a Research Software Engineer at Newcastle University, with a background in game development and data visualisation.
Mike has a PhD from Newcastle University and was a founding member of the University’s Research Software Engineering Team. He has an MSc in Computer Games Engineering and worked as a programmer in the games industry for a number of years, as well as an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.
Mike has worked on a number of projects across many disciplines in his time as an RSE, including projects with the NHS and the Turing Institute. For three years, he worked closely with Prof. Nick Holliman, Professor of Visualisation at Newcastle University. His particular interests are in working with 3D models, interactive data visualisation and gamification (i.e. in Education & Healthcare).
Mike has taught the Introuction to Software Development module on the Institute of Coding’s Degree Apprentices in Software Engineering (MSc level). He has also worked as a demonstrator on visualisation causes taught by Professor Holliman and as part of the RSE Team is involved in the delivery of Software Carpentry Workshops.