We’re offering a comprehensive programme of workshops on a wide variety of topics, tools and skills throughout the day – places are issued on a first come first served basis so secure your place using the link to the booking form before session fill up: http://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=6840
11.20 Turn Your Data Inside Out With Pivot Tables Alnwick Room
Simon Patterson Staff Development Unit
Using PivotTables, enables you to analyse huge data sets, with ease. In less than a minute, you can take thousands of records & create a detailed summary, using any ‘field’, in your data. You can then ‘slice’ this data, using interactive filters & create professional looking outputs, through the use of formatting styles, number crunching like an expert!
11.20 eMeetings Bamburgh Room
Nuala Davis, Dave Alsop, Colin Fahey IT Service
What can you do when you want to meet up with colleagues off campus but it’s impractical to travel? We’ll let you know what resources are available within the University to allow you to hold your meeting virtually and offer some tips on choosing the best solution based on your needs. As well as showcasing what’s on offer within our centrally-managed bookable videoconferencing suites we will also show you how to set up your own informal on-line meetings using MS Lync.
11.20 Essentials of filming video Etal Room
Hanna Miettinen Netskills
Want to create video learning materials that stand out but only have basic equipment to hand? Find out how to make the most of whar video equipment you have. This session links to “Video Editing 101”.
12.00 Writing for the web Alnwick Room
Gareth Evans Corporate Web Team
The workshop will cover top tips for web content, writing for mobile-first and guidelines for corporate website editors.
12.00 Free online learning opportunities. Are MOOCs for you? Bamburgh Room
Suzanne Hardy Learning and Teaching Development Service
We explain MOOCs, what they are and how to sign up. Are there helpful approaches to studying these courses? Some lessons learned from our successful Hadrian’s Wall free online course with FutureLearn.
12.00 Video editing 101 Etal Room
Chris Thomson Netskills
It’s in the editing that your video learning materials come alive. If you’re new to video editing then this session will show you how to create a professional look from the footage you have. This session links to “Essentials of filming video”.
12.45 Digital Visitors and Residents; understanding attitudes to engagement with social media Alnwick Room
Chris Young Netskills
The web is changing academic practice. This practical session introduces a simple and powerful way to analyse motivations behind the online practices of students and staff. This workshop will help you consider how to apply this knowledge to your practice. It will be useful for teaching, research or library staff.
12.45 Make your LinkedIn profile stand out Bamburgh Room
Chris Thomson Netskills
A LinkedIn profile, next to your institutional profile page, is quite often someone’s first port of call when trying to find our about you. Discover how to use LinkedIn’s features to make your profile stand out and help you grow a wider network.
12.45 OneNote – Microsoft’s Hidden Gem Etal Room
Simon Patterson Staff Development Unit
Would you like to have a fast, easy way to gather information, organise it & share it with your colleagues? Would you like to work without ‘sticky notes’ & endless lists of information around your desk? You need OneNote! OneNote is Microsoft’s extremely useful, but little known tool that helps users organise large amounts of information.
13.30 AppSwap – Lifestyle/Fitness Alnwick Room
Graeme Boxwell & Marc Bennett Learning and Teaching Development Service and IT Service
Is your mobile device helping to improve your lifestyle? Would you like it to? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then this session is for you. A demonstration of some lifestyle and leisure apps to help make you more productive, stay healthy and free up more time for the finer things in life. Take along your device and learn what apps are out there that help others improve their health and wellbeing.
13.30 Cloud Computing Bamburgh room
Paul Watson Digital Institute
Cloud Computing is already revolutionising IT, and is expected to have a similar impact on University research and teaching. For the first time, vast amounts of computer power are being made available to anyone with an internet connection, under a pay-as-you-go charging model. The result is that cloud computing is opening up new, more agile and innovative ways to create digital services. In this talk we explain cloud computing and how it is likely to have a radical effect on research, teaching and technology transfer.
13.30 Using social media to gain general public research exposure – a case study Etal Room
Kate Hudson & Matt Horne Marketing & Publicity
At this workshop, we’ll talk you through recent case studies of how the Press Office and Social Media Team have used social media to raise the profile and increase the exposure of the University’s research. We’ll also run through how to raise the profile of your research through peer-to-peer social networking and share some best practice examples.
14.15 “Amplify” your event with digital technology Etal Room
Steve Boneham Netskills
Holding an important event and want to extend its reach? Newtskills give you some DIY tips & tricks for simple and effective event reporting and broadcasting using social media and other digital tools.
14.15 Office 2013 – New hidden features Bamburgh Room
Valerie Stuart Staff Development Unit
Are you new to Office 2013? Do you use Excel for data analysis? This session provides an overview of some of the useful features in Office 2013 and a closer look at some of the Excel 2013 new data analysis features.
14.15 Know your Networks Alnwick Room
Anna Brown & Matt Horne Marketing & Publicity
At this workshop, we’ll cover the main social networks, the kind of audiences you can expect to reach and how to maximise each network’s potential to meet your marketing objectives. We’ll also cover the University’s approach to using social media and run through some examples of best practice.