Ready for the off……..

Park View Student Village is well underway and seems to grow by the minute.  I think by now, most people know that the building is unique in that it uses pre-formed modular units that, simply put, are joined together to make a whole flat !

Seeing is believing and if the rain ever stops it’s well worth a walk by to see the modular units being lifted into place.  The units themselves have been manufactured and fitted out by a Chinese company CIMC and next week, along with staff from Estates, Galliford Try and Summers-Inman I’ll be visiting their factory and offices in Jiangmen.

During our visit not only will we be inspecting the next batch of units due to arrive shortly but also to have a series of meetings with various staff to evaluate how things have gone and what lessons can be learned.

I’ll be blogging throughout the trip so watch this space for news, photos and updates


2 thoughts on “Ready for the off……..

  1. Looking forward to seeing posts and pictures. Dàjiā hǎo to Mr Zhang, Karen, Henry and the CIMC Team – don’t forget to drink the water after your rice wine!

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