The Way Forward

By now, most of you will have attended a staff briefing session outlining the forward vision and plan for our service.  I expect since then you have taken time to reflect upon the main points raised and will be starting to think of questions to ask and, quite naturally, have concerns too.

I think that more than ever before we all have a great opportunity to shape not just what our accommodation looks like but also what it means for those living in it.  This is why I want your feedback warts and all – tell me what you really think as the only way to move forward is to address everybody’s point of view.

Let me sum up the main points as I see them:

  • Now, more than ever, students have a huge choice of accommodation to live in and as consumers they will go wherever meets their needs best
  • As a University investment will continue in our accommodation and in house services but they must meet the needs and expectations of those looking for accommodation
  • Working together we can provide the best accommodation and experience and give people a good reason to live with us

As staff you already offer a welcoming, positive and supportive environment for students, lets build on this to make sure that when future generations ask themselves where should I  live in Newcastle there is only one answer – WITH US




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