Robinson Library Complete, Next Few Buildings Scheduled

The migration of Robinson Library wireless was completed successfully
on Monday 26th January.

The published schedule has provisional migration dates for all buildings in the current phase of the project including…

The Wolfson Building is scheduled for Friday 30th January between 10am and Noon. Access points will be switched over one at a time due to the required repatching work and each access point should be down for about 10 minutes.

Science City (Core) and Stephenson Building are both scheduled for migration on Monday 2nd February at 8am. Access points will be down for a few minutes while they are migrated.



As part of the Digital Campus Initiative, the University is investing in a pervasive wireless infrastructure, providing wireless access across all campus buildings and common areas.

The new wireless service will include over 3000 access points providing coverage in many more locations and provide a significant increase in capacity to large lecture theatres and the Libraries.

The work began in 2013 with the halls of residence and we are starting to rollout the service to buildings on campus. A schedule of planned maintenance to migrate buildings onto the new infrastructure has been drawn up, starting with the Robinson Library the week of 26th January 2015. The rollout will continue throught the year and the project is scheduled to be complete by December 2015.

The first campus buildings to go live are those that were cabled in Summer 2014.

Halls wireless will also be migrated to the final infrastructure and are included in the full schedule.

The full schedule is available here:

Dates are subject to change and buildings will be added to the schedule as cabling work is completed.

Migration will take place at the quietest time for each building, so for halls this will be during the day and for buildings on campus late at night or early morning.