More Buildings

The Student Union APs have now all been replaced with new access points and over a dozen additional points have been added. Additional points have also been added to Kings Road Centre as part of this work.

Access points in the INTO Academic building have also been upgraded, including the teaching rooms in Joseph Halls.

Work is progressing on getting other buildings ready. Architecture and Daysh buildings are now ready and will be switched over after registration. Most of the remaining buildings are also expected to be ready and moved over in October. The WiFi Schedule document has been updated with the latest details.

Controller Migration

The King George migration is complete.

There is currently work going on in Student Union and Kings Road Centre installing wireless. This work involves swapping out the current Cisco access points so there may be some interruption of service during this work.

The following buildings will be moved to a new wireless controller on Monday morning – Agriculture, Barras, Bedson, Building Science, Grand Hotel, Herschel, INTO buildings, Kings Gate, Student Union, Kings Road Centre, Music and Percy. There will be a few minutes outage during the transition.

King George VIth

Pervasive wireless in King George VIth will be switched on tomorrow, Friday 4th September, early in the morning. I had hoped to be able to give some dates for other buildings but progress has been slow going.

Wireless controller updates are also under way, with all buildings being moved onto new controllers over the next few weeks.