
Windsor Terrace Pervasive WiFi is now live which is the last of the buildings from our checklist. With this work the final old Cisco access point was switched off.

There are approximately 3400 Huawei access points now providing Wireless connectivity across campus and halls. An addtional 100+ access points currently have issues which we are fixing during this final phase of the project. There are also a few Capital projects on campus such as areas being refurbished in Herschel and Armstrong buildings that we know about where WiFi is currently unavailable.

If anyone knows of any locations where WiFi coverage is poor or missing please let us know through the Service Desk. Now is the time to tell us, before the project ends.

Marjorie Robinson & Culture Lab

Pervasive WiFi is now available in the new Marjorie Robinson Library Rooms on Sandyford Road, and the Culture Lab has finally got replacement WiFi after the refurbishment work during the Summer.

Wireless in the Dove Marine Lab and Henderson Old Halls should be ready in the next week or so.

Work has resumed in Windsor Terrace on the remaining houses.


Work Resumed

Cabling work has started again with Windsor Terrace starting last week and at Henderson Old Hall starting this week. Work will continue in the new year for the remaining buildings.

WiFi in the Hancock Museum was installed by the Council during the autumn. The remaining University access points servicing University staff in the museum have now been swapped out with Huawei access points.


Problems & Delays

Due to the number of wireless connections on campus (15,000 simultaneous connections on over 3,400 access points) there have been some performance problems with the central wireless controllers, including dropped connections and problems getting connected. We have been configuring additional controllers and pressing them into service, to spread the load and try to solve the problems. If you are still have issues with wireless on campus please contact the service desk.

Unfortunately cabling work planned for Windsor Terrace, Dove Marine Lab, Henderson Old Hall, Culture Lab and Claremont Bridge is on hold due to problems out of our control. Cisco access points still covering these areas will be swapped out for temporary Huawei access points in the near future. Meanwhile we will be tackling individual wireless issues around campus.

Many More Buildings

As of today there are 5 more buildings switched to pervasive WiFi. These buildings are Daysh, King Edward VIIth (Fine Art), Architecture, Old Library and Armstrong.

Barras Building is also live and there is some wireless in Sandyford with the rest of the building to be completed in the coming weeks.

Only a partial migration is available in Claremont Tower/Bridge as we work through some problems and Culture Lab is also almost ready. Cabling work is due to start in the remaining houses in Windsor Terrace in the next week.

We are also starting to revisit buildings that have previously been completed but where refurbishment work and other problems meant some areas were missed.

More Buildings

The Student Union APs have now all been replaced with new access points and over a dozen additional points have been added. Additional points have also been added to Kings Road Centre as part of this work.

Access points in the INTO Academic building have also been upgraded, including the teaching rooms in Joseph Halls.

Work is progressing on getting other buildings ready. Architecture and Daysh buildings are now ready and will be switched over after registration. Most of the remaining buildings are also expected to be ready and moved over in October. The WiFi Schedule document has been updated with the latest details.

Controller Migration

The King George migration is complete.

There is currently work going on in Student Union and Kings Road Centre installing wireless. This work involves swapping out the current Cisco access points so there may be some interruption of service during this work.

The following buildings will be moved to a new wireless controller on Monday morning – Agriculture, Barras, Bedson, Building Science, Grand Hotel, Herschel, INTO buildings, Kings Gate, Student Union, Kings Road Centre, Music and Percy. There will be a few minutes outage during the transition.

King George VIth

Pervasive wireless in King George VIth will be switched on tomorrow, Friday 4th September, early in the morning. I had hoped to be able to give some dates for other buildings but progress has been slow going.

Wireless controller updates are also under way, with all buildings being moved onto new controllers over the next few weeks.

INTO Halls

The student halls at INTO (Joseph, Cowen and Bernicia) now have pervasive wireless.

The Law School migration on August 7th was also a success so pervasive wireless is also available in Law.

King George VIth is ready to be migrated, it just needs to be scheduled, and other buildings are getting close.