This page holds quotes from students and athletes who have completed the workshops on what they enjoyed about the sessions!
“The peer leaders were very accommodating and supportive, the tasks they provided us were also very thought-provoking and I thought them to be useful in disassembling my perfectionistic thoughts”
- “Got to understand and acknowledge people trying to strive to be perfect”
- “How we had chance to explore the ideas on our own – via the workbook. It wasnt just a straight away discussions, we were allowed to develop answered”
- “It made me consider the problems with perfectionism when I wouldn’t have done so previously”
- “That they were led by peers so I felt more comfortable talking about my feelings”
“The tasks – and the sessions in general – also had something to take away from, and I really like how we can apply what we’ve learned, such as techniques which allow us to deal with perfectionistic thoughts, to the world, and ourselves, outside of the study.”