The workshop has been adapted to be suitable for 11-15 year olds. Perfectionistic views can appear in any age, younger people may not understand how to deal with these thoughts. This workshop offers the opportunity for younger athelets and students to come together to help understand what perfectionisc beliefs are, how they may manifest and how to overcome them.
The youth sessions can be delivered as either three 40 minute sessions or two 1 hour sessions, dependent on school/sports club timetabling.
What to expect in the workshops:
Session 1:
- Introductions
- Session overview
- What is perfectionism?
- Flavours of perfectionism
- The perfect athlete
Session 2:
- Review of previous session
- Doing your best vs being perfect
- Cost of being perfect
- Positive qualities
Session 3:
- Review of previous sessions
- Challenging perfectionism role play
- Dealing with perfectionism
- Who can help?
- Goal setting
To sign up please follow this link: