Northern Quantum Meeting 10


We are pleased to host the next meeting in the Northern Quantum series. This one-day meeting is aimed at quantum physics researchers from across the North of England, with a focus on showcasing the work of early-career researchers through short talks. The previous meeting was held at Sheffield.

Key information

  • Date: Thursday 20th June, 2024
  • Venue: Newcastle University
  • Fee: Free – lunch and refreshments provided (participants will need to fund their own travel)

Travel / location information

The event will be held in Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2) in the HERSCHEL BUILDING, on the Newcastle University campus just off King’s Road / Percy Street (see map below)

Accessible routes to Herschel building entrances. Map © OpenStreetMap Contributors

Arriving by train: The venue is a 15-20 minute walk from Newcastle Central station. Haymarket Metro Station is a one minute walk from the venue and Metro trains run to this station from Central Station via the GREEN and YELLOW lines, every 5-10 minutes.

Accessibility: The lecture theatre, event space for refreshments and toilet facilities are all on the ground floor of the building. Step-free access from King’s Road and from Haymarket Metro station are indicated on the map image

Schedule – Overview

  • 09:30-10:00, Welcome tea/coffee
  • 10:00 -11:20, SET 1, (4 talks)
  • 11:20-11:40, BREAK tea/coffee
  • 11:40 -13:00, SET 2, (4 talks)
  • 13:00-14:00, LUNCH
  • 14:00-15:40, SET 3 (5 talks)
  • 15:40-16:00, BREAK tea/coffee
  • 16:00-17:20, SET 4 (4 talks)
  • 17:20-17:30, CLOSE

Schedule – Talks

All talks 20 minutes (including questions)

SET 1 – 10:00 – 11:20

  • Mateusz Duda, University of Sheffield: Efficient, High-Fidelity Single-Photon Switch Based on Waveguide-Coupled Cavities
  • Kate Brown, Newcastle University: Simulating false vacuum decay in a spin-1 gas
  • Panagiotis Papanastasiou, University of York: CV-QKD with preparation noise in a wireless setting
  • Ben Amies-King, University of York: Progress towards harnessing White Rabbit time synchronisation for long-distance quantum communications

SET 2 – 11:40 – 13:00

  • Lucy Downes, Durham University: High Speed Two-colour THz Imaging with Atomic Vapour
  • Matt Jamieson, Durham University: Low Frequency RF Sensing Using Cold Rydberg Atoms
  • Steph Foulds, University of Strathclyde: Generalising concentratable entanglement for practical applications: mixed, qudit, and optical states
  • Jonte R Hance, Newcastle University: Powering more sensitive counterfactual measurement using Kirkwood-Dirac negativity

SET 3 – 14:00 – 15:40

  • Srivatsa Badariprasad, Newcastle University: Vortex pair dynamics in homogeneous dipolar superfluid
  • Richard Tattersall, Newcastle University: Out of Equilibrium Behaviour of Quantum Vortices: A Comparison of Point Vortex Dynamics with Fokker-Planck Evolution
  • Amos Chan, Lancaster University: Many-Body Quantum Chaos and Spectral Form Factor
  • Obinna Abah, Newcastle University: Title TBC
  • Jonathan Mortlock, Durham University: Towards a Quantum Gas Microscope for RbCs molecules

SET 4 – 16:00 – 17:20

  • Mitch Walker, Durham University; Measuring the 88Sr optical clock transition in arbitrary tweezer arrays
  • Toonyawat Angkhanawin, Durham University: Quantum Optimization for Graph Coloring Problem Using Rydberg-Qutrit Arrays
  • Chad Christian Nelmes, University of York: Near-Perfect State Transfer in Homogeneously Coupled Spin Chains
  • Adarsh Raghuram, Durham University: Efficient state transfer in RbCs via Feedfoward Noise suppression