“Co-production is not just a word, it’s not just a concept, it is a meeting of minds coming together to find a shared solution.” Think Local Act Personal (2011) Making it real: Marking progress towards personalised, community based support, London: TLAP
Working together to achieve better outcomes
We wholeheartedly believe that in order to achieve best possible health outcomes for the healthcare services must be developed together with the communities.
Therefor designing meaningful intervention that would work for women requires support from women, partners and professionals alike.
Our group work will stand by following principles:
1. Recognising importance of each and every member of the group (being diverse and inclusive)
2. Building on people’s capabilities (recognising each other’s skills and abilities)
3. Reciprocal relationships (everybody benefits from working together)
4. Supportive environment (peer-support)
5. Facilitating rather than delivering (encouraging dialogue and not prescriptive)
6. Sharing of power (power is balanced between group members)

Please join our introductory session for co-production of an intervention to support aspirin preventative therapy in high-risk pregnancies. If you (or your partner) were advised to take low-dose aspirin in past or current pregnancy and you are passionate about improving pregnancy outcomes, you will enjoy our online session.
For more information and to express your interest please follow https://newcastlehealth.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_01bnLrjrwMmvyiW