

Aspire project sought to determine the prevalence of non-response to low-dose aspirin and to ascertain the effect of increasing aspirin dose in non-responders.

166 women contributed to this project

What we found out: Non-response to low-dose aspirin is common in pregnancy but appears to be largely attributable to non-adherence. Dose change could be useful to improve response to low-dose aspirin in this cohort.

For more details follow the link

ASPIRE qualitative sudy

This study aimed to understand facilitators of adherence in pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia

13 women contributed to this project

Currently this project is being analysed

ANA: Aspirin non-adherence in pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia

This qualitative study aimed to explore barriers to aspirin adherence in women at increased risk of pre-eclampsia using Theoretical Domains Framework.

14 women contributed to this project

What we found out: A combination of inadequate knowledge, lack of identification with the risk factors and beliefs about consequences of taking medication were interlinked with other domains, such as environmental context and resonate with the Necessity-Concerns Framework.

(please note this paper is under a review by Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine Journal)

INFORMATIONAL NEEDS related to aspirin prophylactic therapy amongst pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia

This sub-analysis of a ANA qualitative study describes informational needs related to aspirin use in pregnancy.

14 women contributed to this project

New interactive and accessible informational resources are needed to engage pregnant women and their partners in aspirin prophylactic therapy.

Results are now available


Wave project was set to see whether change in Uterine arteries Doppler (UAD) between 1st asd second trimesters of pregnancy can predict non-response to aspirin.

345 women contributed to this project

Results have been now submitted to publication

“Let’s talk aspirin” survey

​​​​​​“Let’s talk aspirin” is a survey aimed at understanding the barriers and facilitators that midwives face in consultations with pregnant women who have been prescribed aspirin to prevent preeclampsia.

Closed to recruitment, data collection is closing


A randomised crossover design study comparing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of two single Doses of ORal Aspirin (75 mg v150mg) in pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia.

Regulatory approvals are in place.

Expected recruitment start date: 01/07/21

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