Jul 192011

Journal moves will begin in the Walton Library later this week, meaning that work will be temporarily suspended in the Robinson Library for about a fortnight. Please continue to use our online form to request material which has moved or ask at any of our information or service desks.

 Posted by at 1:09 pm
Jul 152011

As the shelving at the Team Valley Store used to look…

…and the new installation with improved lighting and maximum use of the available space.

(Photos by David Errington and Anvar Tukmanov).

Jul 112011

The shelving installation at Team Valley is now complete. In addition to shelving for books and journals, the installation also includes picture racking (below).

Work is continuing in the Robinson Library on Levels 4 and 1 week, as we move the PER 530 (Physics) and PER 540 (Chemistry) journals. This work will take all week, so, again, Level 3 is likely to be the quietest place to study.

 Posted by at 11:40 am
Jul 052011

This week, the journal move is continuing exclusively on Level 4 in the Robinson Library. Journals at PER 510 (Maths), PER 518 (Computing), PER 519 (Statistics) are boxed and in transit and work is now commencing on the PER 520 (Astronomy and Astrophysics) and PER 530 (Physics) journals.

If you’re looking for somewhere quiet to work, please try Level 3, or the areas furthest away from the journals on Level 4.

 Posted by at 9:06 am