The Robinson Library cafe will also be undergoing a major make-over this summer and will be closed from Thursday 7th June. Vending machines and drinking water will still be available.
As part of the Robinson Library refurbishment, we will be creating a single (Dewey) sequence of books, which we hope will make the whole collection easier to use. This book move will only begin after the examination period is over.
We will minimise the disruption as much as possible, but staff, researchers and dissertation students who are continuing with their studies and research through the summer may wish to consider borrowing essential books before this major move begins.
In addition, if you would find it helpful to extend your borrowing limit to allow you to borrow more books this summer, this can usually be arranged. Please contact your Liaison Librarian in the first instance.
During the Robinson Library refurbishment which is due to start after the examination period, additional quiet study space will be available elsewhere on campus for all students to use during the summer. These rooms will be available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Don’t forget that students are able to study in the Walton and Law libraries too.
Week-by-week timetable
11-15 June 2012
Teaching Room T1 (3.02), 3rd Floor Stephenson Building (University map ref:50)
18-22 June 2012
Teaching Room F1 (1.01) 1st Floor Stephenson Building (University map ref:50)
25-29 June 2012
Walton and Law libraries
2-6 July 2012
Seminar Room 1.43A 1st Floor King George VI Building (University map ref:19)
9-13 July 2012
Teaching Room 1.48, 1st Floor Bedson Teaching Centre (University map ref:21)
16-20 July 2012
Pybus Room, Level 3 Old Library Building (University map ref:25, 26)
23-27 July 2012
30 July-3 August 2012
Teaching Room B.32, Lower Ground Bedson Teaching Centre (University map ref:21)
6-10 August 2012
Teaching Room 1.48, 1st Floor Bedson Teaching Centre (University map ref:21)
13-17 August 2012
20-24 August 2012
28-31 August 2012 (closed Bank Holiday Monday 27 August)
Seminar Room 1.43A 1st Floor King George VI Building (University map ref:19)
3-7 September 2012
10-14 September 2012
17-21 September 2012
Teaching Room B.32, Lower Ground Bedson Teaching Centre (University map ref:21)
We’re making the Robinson Library a better place to study in (watch this space for news as we start work this summer). This is how you have helped so far –
In May /June 2010 we asked HASS and SAGE postgraduate students, via an online survey, how they used the Library and what they wanted from it in the future. In 2011, we recruited two students to carry out observational research and gather feedback into how and where students study, both in the library and in other study spaces on campus. They held focus groups and interviews with postgraduate and undergraduate students.
We’ve also had discussions and received feedback from lots of University Staff / Student Committees, Boards of Studies and Faculty Teaching Learning and Student Experience Committees.
Finally we regularly receive formal and informal feedback and suggestions thorough our Tell Us What You Think forms and also via conversations with our staff on our Service and Information Desks and during workshops and teaching sessions.
We hope that our plans for the refurbishment of Levels 3 and 4 of the Robinson Library will address many of the issues raised. We aim to provide
- More desks in designated silent study areas
- Improved heating, lighting and ventilation
- More PCs
- Power supply to every desk
- New Information Desk area
- A more comfortable café
- Refurbished toilets
Work begins after the examination period in June. There will inevitably be some disruption to library services during the summer, so we’ll keep you up to date with changes as they happen.
In anticipation of the major works about to take place in the Robinson Library, the Shefton Research Collection of books about Greek, Roman and Etruscan archaeology has been temporarily moved for safe-keeping to Level 1 in the Robinson Library.
This collection was built up by Emeritus Professor Brian Shefton (1919-2012) and forms an important body of research material within the Robinson Library. Our book collection complements the Shefton Gallery of Greek and Etruscan archaeology, a collection of archaeological material, which can be seen in the Great North Museum.