Jul 062012

As part of the summer refurbishment, we will be creating a simpler shelving sequence in the Robinson Library. Books with shelfmarks between 000 – 599 will be shelved on Level 3, while the 600 – 999 material will be on Level 4.

This week has seen the last ranges of shelving being moved and reconstructed and the 800 books have begun to be moved from Level 3 to Level 4. At present, books shelved between 800 – 824.7 have moved to their new location on Level 4; books at 824.8 – 899 are still in temporary locations on Level 3.

We are also currently moving the books between 300 – 339 to their new locations on Level 3.

As always, if you can’t find the books you need, please ask a member of library staff for help.

 Posted by at 12:32 pm