Dec 152011

Tell us about the types of study space you prefer to use.

Use our photographic display to share your ideas about the kind of study spaces you would like to see more of in the library.

On display in the Robinson Library until Thursday 22nd December.

 Posted by at 10:14 am
Dec 062011

Over the last few weeks, we have received a number of complaints about the level of noise in various parts of the Robinson Library.

To help you find a working environment which is suitable for you, here’s a reminder of the different types of study space currently available in the Robinson Library.

Level 1 – YourSpace
* for group study
* covered drinks and cold snacks are permitted

Level 2 – Open Space
* also for group study
* covered drinks are permitted

Level 2 – Cluster area
* quiet study
* no food or drink permitted

Levels 3 and 4 – Individual study areas
* silent, private study only
* (bookable group study rooms are provided for group study)
* covered drinks are permitted

Please switch your mobile phone to silent when you enter the Robinson Library. To avoid disturbing others, you may only use your mobile in the Reception area on Level 1 and in the stairwells throughout the library.

If you have any concerns regarding noise while you’re using the library, please do report them to a member of staff, and we’ll do our best to help.

 Posted by at 11:00 am
Nov 252011

During summer 2012, major refurbishment works will take place in the Robinson Library. New lighting, data and electrical cabling will be installed, new carpets will be fitted, toilets will be refurbished and new furniture will be purchased to create new study and research areas on Levels 3 and 4.

The work already undertaken during summer 2011 (to rehouse back-runs of journals in our Research Reserve) has enabled the Robinson Library to create an additional 110 study spaces for this academic year. We have created new study areas on Levels 3 and 4, and have moved the Reference Collections into more prominent positions.

We will be adding 50 new computers to Levels 3 and 4 before Christmas 2011, with a further 75 computers to be added as part of the major refurbishment which will take place during summer 2012. By this Christmas, we will have over 350 computers in the Robinson Library, an increase of over 60 computers since June 2011.

In line with existing library policy, books which haven’t been consulted for over 5 years (10 years in some subject areas) will be rehoused in the Research Reserve. As with the journals, these books remain part of Newcastle University Library’s collection and will be available on request, usually within 24 hours. It is estimated that the space released will allow us to create up to another 190 study spaces.

We are currently considering ways in which to design, configure and furnish Levels 3 and 4 in the Robinson Library to ensure we create the types of study space our users want. We’re engaged in discussions at staff-student committees and other university meetings, we’ve recruited work experience students to help us gather feedback and undertake observational research into how and where students study, both in the library and in other study spaces on campus and elsewhere. These findings will all help inform our decisions on how we design the space. If you would like to contribute to this discussion, we’d welcome your comments, ideas and suggestions. Please leave a comment on this blog or contact us directly.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Sep 192011

We’re delighted to announce that the newly refurbished computing cluster on Level 2 in the Robinson Library is now open and ready for business! The ISS computing helpdesk, which was temporarily located on Level 3 for the summer, has now returned to Level 2.

 Posted by at 12:21 pm
Sep 062011

This summer’s journal move is now complete. Back runs of journals available electronically and all issues over 10 years old are now located off-campus, in our Research Reserve. If you need to use any material in the Research Reserve, please use our online form.

The space released will be used to create bright, new study spaces which will be ready for the start of term. Some of our book collections will also be moving location (within the Robinson Library), so if you use our Reference books, Academic Practice or Study Skills books, these will be moving in the coming days…

 Posted by at 2:05 pm
Aug 252011

The Journal move on Level 4 is now complete; all back-runs have now been relocated to the Research Reserve at Team Valley. Work is now concentrating on Level 3 with the Per 700s, Per 800s and Per 900s moving over the next week and a half. Per 700 and 720 have already been packed and moved.

The excess shelving will be dismantled on Levels 3 and 4 and bright new study spaces will be created which will be ready for the start of term.

 Posted by at 11:55 am
Aug 152011

Work is continuing on level 4. This week we’ll be working on PER 630, then PER 650, PER 660, PER 669 and PER 690. This will complete the relocation of periodicals from Level 4. Then work will transfer back to level 3 where PER 700, PER 720, PER 780, PER 800, PER 870, PER 900, PER 910 and PER 913 will move. This includes the Fine Art periodicals and some Architecture journals in the SAPL room. If you need to request any material which has moved, please use the online form or ask at any of our information or service desks.

Aug 042011

Work on moving journals in the Walton Library has now been completed. This week we’re resuming work on level 4 of the Robinson Library, as we move the PER 620 journals. Please continue to use our online form to request material which has moved or ask at any of our information or service desks.

Jul 192011

Journal moves will begin in the Walton Library later this week, meaning that work will be temporarily suspended in the Robinson Library for about a fortnight. Please continue to use our online form to request material which has moved or ask at any of our information or service desks.

 Posted by at 1:09 pm