What this blog is for

My name is Rosalind Haslett and I’m Lecturer in Dramatic Literature at Newcastle University. I’m writing this blog as a way of documenting some changes we’re making to the module SEL1031 Drama, Theatre and Performance, which is a stage one module in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics, as part of an ULTSEC Innovation Fund Responsive Project.

I’ll be posting on a weekly basis over the course of the module (Jan-May 2019). In these posts I’m planning to describe some of the changes we’re making to the module and explain why we felt these changes were necessary. I’m also hoping to reflect on student responses to the module as it unfolds. This blog is being written primarily for students on SEL1031 DTP, so that you can all catch a glimpse of what happens behind the lectures and the seminars, and get a sense of the kind of thinking that goes into making a module happen. I’ve chosen to write a blog, rather than a series of emails or Blackboard posts, so that you can respond with comments, if you feel you’d like to, and join in the conversation. (Comments are open, pending moderation.)

So welcome to anyone who’s reading this. Please feel free to have a poke around, and I look forward to meeting you in the comments section, the lecture hall, or the workshop room!