this is a test
Building a Space for Practical Learning
Physiology Fun Day!
I’m not sure of the fine detail of what Alison and Michele did on this day, but I now they received funding for it from the Physiology Society and that it went really very well. I’d love to help provide a platform to help our people shout about what they do.
Congrats to Dr Lindsey Ferrie, Rang Prize Winner 2018
Although this went on the LTDS blog, it’s a prime topic for posting here, perhaps a more extended version with a little interview or a couple of questions, a picture of Lindsey posing with her medal…
In lieu of a picture of Lindsey, here’s a Pharmacology graduate’s interpretation of lego me.

PARTNERing up for a great summer!
Another hugely successful PARTNERS project has just been completed within the School of Biomedical Sciences. Will our potential future Stars of Bioscience make the grade? We certainly hope so!
Inspiring the next generation of scientists is fun but not always easy, especially when they haven’t even decided to become scientists yet!
Our SOLAR outreach team engaged and inspired primary school children at the recent STEMtastic event, organised by the West End School’s Trust (WEST) and held in the Discovery Museum‘s Great Hall. Continue reading “STEMtastic!”
SciComm Takeover // Old wives’ tales to cure your cold
It’s a SciComm Takeover Post! This time, Stage 3 Biomedical Sciences student and BMS3016 Science Communication module participant Willow Hight-Warburton is investigating the truth behind old wives tales! Continue reading “SciComm Takeover // Old wives’ tales to cure your cold”
SciComm Takeover // “It is impossible to love and to be wise…”
It’s a SciComm Takeover Post! Stage 3 Biochemist Jon Hancox has been chewing down on a particularly meaty topic as part of his BMS3016 Science Communication studies…
To those of us without a great knowledge of English philosophy, this title is a quote from Francis Bacon, who served as both Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England in the 1500’s. You may be wondering what the relevance of this is. I actually stumbled upon this quote while looking into the health effects and newly found carcinogenic – that is, cancer causing – properties of (you guessed it) bacon. Continue reading “SciComm Takeover // “It is impossible to love and to be wise…””
If we’d had a blog when we were awarded TEF gold, it would have been great to make a blog post that was specific to how SBMS contributed to the award being made. Some personal perspectives and specific examples would be great to demonstrate and highlight some of the great teaching and PedR work that’s going on.
There’s no reason why such a post can’t be made retrospectively, alternatively there could be a ‘TEF: 2 years later’ reflective post that looks at all the changes that have happened since (Lab upgrades, TEAs shortlisted, administrative award) and ties them together to form a bit of a review. A few hyperlinks to related posts also on this blog would really help integrate the information and lead readers through a story about the schools continual development.
I needed a picture, so here’s the TEF logo.