Writing a School of Psychology Hub Blog

Welcome! We’re really pleased that you are considering writing a blog post for the School of Psychology Hub.

We welcome submissions from undergraduate and postgraduate students and from staff. No experience is necessary, but please follow the guidance below before sending your submission in.

Process of submission

Once you have a draft, please get in touch with Amelia or me in the first instance. We will direct you to the appropriate editor who will advise you and decide whether to publish your submission:

Amelia Hooper: A.hooper1@newcastle.ac.uk

Hannah Cave: H.l.cave2@newcastle.ac.uk  

The editors have the final say as to whether a blog is published. Decisions  / or advice provision will be made as quickly as possible, and usually within 7 days (in term time), but timing will depend on workload and other commitments.

What are we looking for?

  • You can write the blog post individually or with co-authors.
  • All pieces should be accompanied by a short biography of the author/s so that it is clear who you are and the date the blog was written.
  • Your blog post will work best if you make a single point rather than covering lots of different points.
  • Blogs should usually be between 300 and 800 words.
  • Images are very welcome, but make sure there are no copyright issues and that when using your own photos, anyone pictured has given their consent.
  • Try not to use overly technical language. Write in short sentences and paragraphs in an engaging way.
  • References are encouraged and should be given as hyperlinks in the text.
  • Don’t describe patients / participants or reveal any confidential details.
  • If you have any conflicts of interest, they should be declared.
  • No harassment, discrimination or hate speech will be tolerated. Language should be respectful and neutral.
  • Once accepted and published, we may be able to make minor changes, but this is not guaranteed. We will however, take down a blog you have written as soon as possible if you request it.